
About Us-

Hi, and welcome to Kryptos.

Our site is all about the study of cryptozoology, In its purest and most scientific form. While all respect (ignore my sarcasm) goes to those who wish to chase flying saucers and kill vampires with garlic, we are interested in strictly zoological practices. We are the next generation or cryptozoologists, and as such we hope to go back to a form of cryptozoology practiced by geniuses like Ivan Terence Sanderson and Bernard Heuvelmans. We have our own theories and ideas about things, and wish to keep everyone updated on things of a cryptozoological nature (we'll throw in our own two cents too). For news and other articles go to the Kryptos Tribune. To discuss these articles, any other theories and news reports you've seen, or anything else go to the Forum page. See cases we've looked into under the Case files page, and see other websites we deem tolerable, even helpful, on the Site List page.

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